
Here you can download WinSetupFromUSB and updates of the tools included.

Please do not hotlink files, use this page if you want to post a link to the program. If you need to link to a specific version, you could use version number like this:

Note: A few antivirus programs keep detecting a couple of the included files as viruses. This is false positive. These vendors were informed numerous times and the serious companies such as DrWeb and Kaspersky, update their signatures to remove the false detection within a few hours after being informed. Others, such as McAfee, despite all the efforts and contacts, don’t do anything to update their signatures. For a few unknown ones, which use third party signatures, there is no way to contact them or they simply don’t respond. This program will never knowingly distribute any kind of malware.

WinSetupFromUSB 1.10- 07.Nov.2021
WinSetupFromUSB 1.9- 13.May.2019
WinSetupFromUSB 1.8- 16.May.2017
WinSetupFromUSB 1.7- 09.Aug.2016
WinSetupFromUSB 1.6- 28.Nov.2015
WinSetupFromUSB 1.6 beta2- 03.Aug.2015
WinSetupFromUSB 1.6 beta1- 24.May.2015
WinSetupFromUSB 1.5 - 10.May.2015
WinSetupFromUSB 1.4 - 27.March.2014
WinSetupFromUSB 1.3 - 10.Jan.2014
WinSetupFromUSB 1.2 - 20.Dec.2013
WinSetupFromUSB 1.1 - 08.Dec.2013
WinSetupFromUSB 1.0 - 17.Oct.2013 (libwim-9.dll updated- 14.Nov.2013)
Previous versions

1,340 thoughts on “Downloads

  1. Yeah, I can see what you are trying with your hotlink protection, but I have deactivated my AV plugins and still can’t download anything here with either Firefox, Chrome, or Opera running Win10. So, all you’re accomplishing is making people give up and either dl your tool elsewhere or dl something elso altogether. If that’s your plan, you could just delete the download section of this web site.

    • Download section works just fine for me using number of different browsers and OSes, same for quite large number of visitors. If you want me to debug what is happening on your side, I can take a look at the apache log files, just contact me offline.

      As for removing sections and how the site is run- you can have your opinion, it doesn’t have to match mine 🙂

      And please, don’t forget all here is run and supported on good will basis, in spare time when there is any, including the free support replying to every single comment. Acting like you are entitled to a refund does not bring any positive feelings.

      I am not a web programmer and this site was cooked with whatever was quick, available, free and easy. Anyone with creative suggestion or offer to help is always welcome.

      • 2015/10/27 11:48:46- Total target space available- 38878396416 bytes ( 36,2 ГБ )
        2015/10/27 11:48:46- Checking sizes…
        2015/10/27 11:48:46- Total source size- 0 байт
        2015/10/27 11:48:46- Target space available- 36,2 ГБ
        2015/10/27 11:48:50- Checking sizes…
        2015/10/27 11:48:50- Total source size- 0 байт
        2015/10/27 11:48:50- Target space available- 36,2 ГБ
        2015/10/27 11:48:55- Checking sizes…
        2015/10/27 11:48:55- Total source size- 0 байт
        2015/10/27 11:48:55- Target space available- 36,2 ГБ
        2015/10/27 11:48:56- Checking sizes…
        2015/10/27 11:48:56- Total source size- 0 байт
        2015/10/27 11:48:56- Target space available- 36,2 ГБ
        2015/10/27 11:49:11- Checking sizes…
        2015/10/27 11:49:11- Total source size- 0 байт
        2015/10/27 11:49:11- Target space available- 36,2 ГБ
        2015/10/27 11:49:13- Checking sizes…
        2015/10/27 11:49:13- Total source size- 0 байт
        2015/10/27 11:49:13- Target space available- 36,2 ГБ
        2015/10/27 11:49:22- Checking sizes…
        2015/10/27 11:49:22- File is too large for FAT32 partition, filesize: 4310695936
        2015/10/27 11:51:56- ———————————Program quited———————————————–

        Changes from 1.5

        Added support for Windows Vista/7/8 and above sources larger than 4 GB and FAT32 for EFI compatibility- credits. In other words, now is possible to use FAT32 formatted USB drive and add larger than 4 GB source, say Windows 10, to be able to boot in EFI mode. As this is new feature not yet fully tested, the first version is released as a beta. Any feedback is appreciated.

        2015/10/27 11:49:22- File is too large for FAT32 partition, filesize: 4310695936 – ??????

        • File is over 4 GB and is NOT Windows 7/8/10?

          And please, do not dump entire log file in comments, check FAQ how to provide it.

          • Yes, file is over 4 GB and is NOT Windows 7/8/10.

            this is the ISO file CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1503-01.iso

            I ask You not to send me back to FAQ if possible, and to answer my question here. How do I write a file larger than 4GB on to the drive with the FAT32 file system your program or specify the response in the FAQ. Thank you.

            • FAT32 and source >4 GB is supported ONLY for Windows 7/8/10 sources. Not sure what else you are expecting me to tell you.
              Change to NTFS or use smaller ISO, as simple as that. This is limitation of fat32 filesystem, not the program. Only for Windows sources workaround was found because of the way such sources are installed.

              And you do need to look at FAQ to not post large log files directly in comments. And your questions are replied here…

              • Everything You wrote about FAT32, of course. I thought that Your program somehow is able to split files larger than 4GB and thereby circumvents the ban on FAT32 files larger than 4Gb. If so, shouldn’t be any difference that whether they are Windows 7/8/10 sources or not. Apparently, it is not so?

                • There is huge difference what the source is. For Windows sources boot image is modified anyway, one of the modifications is to accept split file when iso is mounted.
                  For linux ISOs source is copied unmodified.

                  • Clear. I keep asking You questions in great detail, because we discussed Your wonderful and very necessary superprogram on this resource””. I’ll have to post new information received from You. Thank you very much.

    • There are 2 requests to the download page from your IP for today:
      [24/Oct/2015:11:11:28 +0000] "GET /downloads/ HTTP/1.1" 200 13925 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0"
      [24/Oct/2015:11:14:37 +0000] "GET /downloads/ HTTP/1.1" 200 14252 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.10240"

      In the first case referrer was, in the second case referrer was blank.

      This is how regular request made just 10 seconds before yours looks like:
      [24/Oct/2015:11:11:18 +0000] "GET /downloads/ HTTP/1.1" 200 13924 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0"

  2. The download section is didnot work for me in all browsers. but when I activated the ZenMate Extension in Chrome and again check your website. It work like a charm. thanks.

  3. Downloads don’t work in Firefox 41.0.2, Only other browser I tried was IE on win 7, and then the downloads work.

  4. What fixed the downloads was removing ( style=”display:none” ) from these lines because its hiding it for some reason in Firefox, cause their is no command to unhide it on click.

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