1. What can be added to the USB disk with WinSetupFromUSB?
2. Does it support multiple sources of the same type?
3. My internal disk is not shown during first (Text mode) part of Windows XP (2000, 2003) setup
4. There is error 0x0000007B on blue background (BSOD) at start of XP (2000, 2003) Setup
5. Program does not display my USB disk
6. Are customized Windows sources supported?
7. What do the advanced options do?
8. My system won't boot from USB
9. Is (U)EFI supported?
10. How do I add another Windows or Linux source?
11. When adding NT6 (Vista and above setup or PE based utility) ISO occupied space on the USB disk is 150-220 MB more than my source
12. Is the program free and may it be freely redistributed?
13. XP/2003/2000 Setup is very slow when copying files at Text mode phase
14. How to report bugs or problems with the program?
15. How to remove already added sources?
16. How to edit boot menu names?
17. I am unable to add Linux/Other grub4dos ISO because it cannot be de-fragmented
18. Why I cannot boot other sources in UEFI mode, only Windows ones?
19. Is Windows Secure Boot supported?

859 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. Hey I love your program. One question though. After adding UEFI ISO (win 7) now my system always wants to boot in UEFI mode which only takes me to windows 7 setup and I can’t get to any other options.

    I have been working around by renaming efi directory. Can a fallback to “MBR boot” be added to the EFI boot? I don’t know if this is possible and I’m sorry if that doesn’t make sense, I’m not very familiar with UEFI

    • Update.. I tried adding {ntldr} entry in \efi\microsoft\boot\bcd
      This is the same entry that exists in \boot\bcd

      Windows Legacy OS Loader
      identifier {ntldr}
      device boot
      path \grldr
      description …Back to Main Menu(Grub4dos)

      I guess that doesn’t work. I get an error 0xc0000098 “the selected entry is missing or corrupt”

      • There is no way, as far as I know, to switch using a software between BIOS and UEFI mode, the motherboard firmware does that according to certain criteria. Adding an entry to NTLDR would not help to boot directly into BIOS/Legacy mode when using the BCD store in the EFI folder.
        I’d look at your motherboard manual how to switch between and manage EFI boot entries and NVRAM.
        Does is still display Setup menus with the USB disk disconnected?
        What is the motherboard/laptop model?
        What do you have installed on the internal hard disk? Is it partitioned in GPT scheme? Is it Windows installed in (U)EFI mode?
        Which EFI folder do you edit, on the internal disk or on the USB disk?
        Did you try to disable Secure Boot?

  2. This is only happenning when I’m booting to the USB.
    The laptop is a lenovo B570, but just for testing.
    I work in computer service so the intention of this USB is to be able to install various windows and run diags on any computer I run into. So I wanted it to be very compatible.
    my laptop bios doesn’t have much in terms of options, no secure boot settings or any UEFI options at all. It will boot UEFI mode, I have installed on it now windows 8.1 x64 GPT scheme on UEFI and manjaro on mbr.

    the EFI folder I was editing is the one on the USB stick I had made with various windows setups with winsetupfromusb 1.1

    Thanks for the info. Looks like I would just need to rename the efi folder when I want to boot the USB to it’s mbr menu.


    • Yep, I guess on machines with so limited boot options you’d have to edit the EFI folder.

      Doesn’t this machine really have any boot option to select between (U)EFI and BIOS/Legacy mode? Maybe using the hotkey which brings up boot menu, or some weirdly named option inside firmware/BIOS menu?

      • On my laptop no, unless I’m totally mistaken, it simply boots in UEFI mode if it finds an efi loader.

        It lists the device, doesn’t say efi or non efi. I could add entries to nvram I think, not sure. Still new to UEFI booting.

  3. Sir I Have A Dell XPS 630i. I Use USB To Install Reintsallation Disk. I Build Using Your Software And It Boot On My HP Laptop But Unfortunately It Wont Boot On Dell XPS 630i And I Dont Know Why??

  4. Ive been playing with your program and one thing I can’t do for some reason is get xp MCE to work.

    I have good iso’s, I’ve extracted and combined them.
    I got a BSOD 0x7B.
    Even after slipstream driverpacks mass storage.

    Not sure where to look for cause. Every other version of XP I have tried works fine on the same system from the same USB drive.

    I have tried custom NTDETECT as well, same issues.
    MCE is version 2005 (SP2).

    It seems to be having issues with booting from USB, because I’m certain my storage controller is included in DP MS.

    Perhaps I need to slipstream chipset drivers as well?

    I will try this and post the results.

    • Are you testing on a Dell machine? Have you tried on another one?
      How did you insert the modified ntdetect.com, did you use the advanced option, or you put it manually?
      Have you tried vanilla MCE and the DPMS option?
      What is the HardwareID of the mass storage controller?

  5. This is a Lenovo. I will try on another machine. Thing is, every other XP setup I have tried on this machine works fine, only difference is MCE 2005 is SP2 while all the others I’ve tried were SP3.
    I have used the custom ntdetect.com using the advanced option.
    The version of MCE is 2005, untouched ISO’s from MSDN.
    I have tried DPMS.
    Controller is 8086 1C03. I can see the driver exists in DP_MS

    Not sure what the problem is.
    I haven’t had a chance to try adding chipset drivers. I would think the issue is USB controller and not mass storage, since I’m not using a sata cd or any cd, and still get the BSOD when the HDD is removed.

    • Can you put both TXTSETUP.SIF in the small ISO file and i386 folder in a zip archive, along with the relevant WinSetupFromUSB.log file when this source was build, backups are date-time stamped in backups folder. Upload the archive in http://www.datafilehost.com for example.

      When you start without an internal disk it will nearly always BSOD 0x7B since USB disks typically appear very late. The same would happen when there is no mass storage driver for the same reason- kernel won’t see any disks in due time. The prevent this there are 2 drivers which add some delay, long enough so the USB disks show up- WaitBT and Wait4UFD. The former one is integrated when the advanced option “Prepare Windows 2000/XP/2003 to be installed on USB” is used, allowing running completely without internal disks with no risks of getting 0x7B.

      BTW- have you tried switching SATA controller mode to IDE/Legacy in BIOS, if possible?

      • Interesting. I tried in another machine vanilla build mce 2005. Choose DPMS option and it worked fine. I tried again in my lenovo and it BSOD 0x7B, same as before. I switch controller to IDE mode and it works fine.

        Perhaps 8086 1C03 driver is not successful in MCE?
        I have posted the log and txtmode config here:

        BTW the dell is running in AHCI mode and required DPMS option and it worked.

      • I’m not planning on using for this lenovo, this is a very minor entry for me anyway. Look if you are curious, but I think it is working good enough for me. Thank you

        • Couldn’t notice anything interesting in the log files. Most likely it’s indeed the AHCI driver failing in some scenarios.

  6. any one can tell me that i m using this software for win xp and win 7 both boot and install on hp or any other system and laptops but when ever i try to bott in a Dell system win 7 works but win xp gives blue screen error of remove newly installed software or hardware can any one tell me the solution at my email at [email protected]

  7. HOLA guys….
    the program allows me to have only 1 linux version (it says i can add more by just appending it in the box for the ISO file/s, but when i do that, it only adds the first one and disregards the rest), and i wanna have 2 different linux versions. how can i do that?

    thanks, love, and Rainbow Gathering for everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    • Add the first one, press GO, when finished add second one, press GO, when finished add third one, press GO and so on.
      For each run/pass (between pressing GO and Job Done message) you can add one source of each supported type, e.g. one source for each option on the screen.
      In other wordsm for example- first run:
      1) XP source as directory
      2) Vista ISO
      3) UBCD4Win source as directory
      4) Ubuntu ISO
      Press GO and wait to finish.
      Second run:
      1) Windows 2003 directory
      2) Windows 7 ISO
      3) Not supported, only one source of this type can be added
      4) Debian ISO
      Press GO and wait to finish.
      Third run:
      1) Windows 2000
      2) Windows 8 ISO
      3) Not supported
      4) Linux Mint ISO
      Press GO…
      You can do that as long as you have enough space on the USB disk.
      Got it now?

  8. i m having lots off problems like
    1.i want to creat xp,win7 and 8.1 multi boot able usb but xp and 7 is creating but not 8.1 in one usb.
    2.some time error is could’t find boot.wm
    plz help me i m waiting plz send me solution in my mail address scorpionkashif [at] gmail [dot] com

    • Put in a zip archive WinSetupFromUSB.log and all previous log files (data-time stamped cab archives) found in backups directory, upload it to datafilehost.com and reply with the download link.

  9. If DPMS.ISO is not working for you …

    For NT5 MassStorage and other drivers, visit forum.driverpacks.net and obtain the [Nightlies] within each NT5 subforum. Integrate into your source with DPs_BASE, not nLite.
    Use WinSetupFromUSB’s “Advanced Options” and disable DPMS.ISO.

    A special thank you to the creators of WinSetupFromUSB.

    • DPMS option is user selectable in the boot menu, if it’s not selected at grub4dos menu DPMS is not loaded, in other words, leave it as it is just in case unless ~50 MB disk space is concern, in advanced options, and just don’t select it upon boot.

      As for editing DPMS.ISO and including nightly DP MS- you are more than welcome, just let me know : )
      Mind you, Steve put great effort in fixing the original dmps.bat script, in all recent WinSetupFromUSB versions the edited DPMS2.bat is used, meaning no more errors with iastorX etc. and updating DPMS.ISO is just matter of replacing the D folder and updating DriverPack.ini with the new one.

  10. … sadly that does preclude the usage of FiraDisk though…

    If somebody could join the forum and post a new Topic requesting it’s addition, i may even create a new DPMS.ISO. :/

    • FiraDisk is integrated in the source, but disabled by default. It’s enabled only when DPMS or Custom F6 floppy + FIRADISK boot options are used.

      Vers. 1.1 changelog:

      -Firadisk driver is now added to each XP 32 bits source, but disabled by default. A new option in DPMS and custom F6 floppy menus activates it. This should help loading SATA/AHCI/RAID drivers from virtual floppy on problematic machines

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