1. What can be added to the USB disk with WinSetupFromUSB?
2. Does it support multiple sources of the same type?
3. My internal disk is not shown during first (Text mode) part of Windows XP (2000, 2003) setup
4. There is error 0x0000007B on blue background (BSOD) at start of XP (2000, 2003) Setup
5. Program does not display my USB disk
6. Are customized Windows sources supported?
7. What do the advanced options do?
8. My system won't boot from USB
9. Is (U)EFI supported?
10. How do I add another Windows or Linux source?
11. When adding NT6 (Vista and above setup or PE based utility) ISO occupied space on the USB disk is 150-220 MB more than my source
12. Is the program free and may it be freely redistributed?
13. XP/2003/2000 Setup is very slow when copying files at Text mode phase
14. How to report bugs or problems with the program?
15. How to remove already added sources?
16. How to edit boot menu names?
17. I am unable to add Linux/Other grub4dos ISO because it cannot be de-fragmented
18. Why I cannot boot other sources in UEFI mode, only Windows ones?
19. Is Windows Secure Boot supported?

859 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. I usually get this
    multiple boot option were detected in thus source only the default one with boot.wim file will be processed

  2. I would like to create a menu with various versions of windows. Is it possible to split them separately? For example, in menu.lst Win10 open a bcd with only the v. Win10, Win8.1 and open a bcd only with versions 8.1, without leaving together?

    • It’s bootmgr loading BCD. Will have to patch bootmgr to load bc1, bc2 etc. EFI bootmgr is loaded directly, so no options there unless you introduce another EFI boot manager and load different patched bootmgr efi pointing to different BCD stores.
      Will have to use google for details if you want to go this route.

      In short- doable, but not an easy task.

  3. Hello.

    What happens if I create a bootable usb with this tool (connected to a hard disk case with usb) and later I install that disk inside a computer, connected to its SATA or NVME port?
    Will it boot as a normal Windows operating system?

    • It’s same contents inside the disk, so should boot same as if it was on USB. If it was Windows Setup ISO added, same will be started on SATA.

  4. Hi,

    I’ve been using this app for the past 2 years and it’s working great. Saved me countless hours with troubleshooting/updating by just using latest builds of Windows. Thank you very much ! I highly appreciate your efforts !
    Now, I’ve tried to add an Windows 11 ISO (build 22000.318) using latest 1.10 version but I get the following error :

    This doesn’t seem to be valid source !
    Either \bootmgr or \BOOT\BCD are missing, or source is not supported.

    Retry/Cancel …

    (indeed, it’s not directly from Microsoft’s servers but I’ve used in the past dozens of Windows 10 AIO’s like this without any issues.

    I’ve uploaded 2 pics to see the folder structures. Left is W.11/Right is W.10.

    https://pasteboard.co/xoKObdq2QMYo.png (complete ISO structure)

    https://pasteboard.co/UCdXfX1VriXF.png (boot folder structure)

    Could it be a bad build ?

    Thank you.

    • Isn’t the Windows 11 source ARM, just looking at the file name? ARM sources don’t have some of the boot files program is checking for and using. For example can’t see /boot/bcd which in 32/64 builds is the boot configuration file for BIOS boot.

      • Yeah. The source included also x86 and x64 but the ISO needed to be build using some tool. Bad ISO. Thanks . My bad.

  5. Can I rename the usb drive name after “burning” the ISO in? Can I add some Linux ISO together with the initial Windows ISO after the fact?

    • Not until grub2 implements the unique grub4dos ISO to partition mapping features which allow booting just about any Linux ISO without extracting it or using distro specific kernel boot parameters.

  6. hello. im using your software to format computers. i have two questions

    1-) I use uefi and legacy modes both. so i formatted my pen drive with FAT32 file system. with that, program splits the files which are bigger than 4gb. with new ISOs, the sizes are bigger than 4GB. i want to update ISOs easily and manually. how can i split iso myself and put it there direcly? with your program used (for putting new ISOs) many things are getting changed. bcd things menu things etc.

    2-) The second question is that are wa able to go to directly the intsall of selected windows on grub4dos screen? i mean in grub4dos screen, if i’ve choosen the windows 7, i want it to boot windows 7 iso. but with grub4dos. i choose windows 7, and after that it boots bcd and i also choose windows 7 there. i want to select it ONLY one time in grub4dos only. is that possible?

    • 1) There is nothing special done when the large ISO is split. Any software splitting files would do it. In tools folder I believe it was you will find the program used internally to do that, but again, any other program would do, as long as there is nothing added to the files.
      2) grub4dos can’t boot directly Windows(PE), it chainloads its boot loader- bootmgr, which in turn brings up what’s in the BCD store as menu options, be it Win7/10 or whatever.
      There is a way around that, by creating pairs of renamed and hex edited bootmgr/bcd, but that’s something I won’t implement for number of reasons.
      Depending in your requirements, you can set default boot entries in grub4dos config file menu.lst or/and simply reduce the timeout when the default entry is started.

      If not using any other sources like XP or Linux, you could even replace the MBR and bootsector with Windows 7 and above ones, so that bootmgr is invoked directly, but same behaviour you can achieve by setting the Windows bootloader entry in menu.lst to default one and make timeout 0 or 1.

      • i want to patch and create multiple bootmgrs for each windows version. an example when i selected win7 in grub4, i want bootmgr to boot win7. when i select win8.1, i want bootmgr to boot win 8.1. im not that experienced that but you are. can you suggest me an app to patch or make multiple bootmgrs for that? it would be awesome, really

        • I am not aware of a program that can do this for you, but there could be, not something I have been interested in.
          In any case you will need good experience going that route.

  7. when i boot from the usb via uefi i where i can select what i want to boot to, the black screen. How do i remove those entries. I can only remove the ones in the grub for dos screen?

      • Hi, If you are referring to 15 and 16 I’ve tried that with Bootice and it doesn’t remove the entry’s when I boot to UEFI usb. the very next black screen the entrys still show up. however if i boot legacy they are gone. maybe im just not doing it right. Anyway I want to thank you for your program and even getting back to the users! you have saved my life with your program many times.

        • There are 2 BCD stores, one for BIOS and one for UEFI boot. You have edited just the BIOS one and need to edit the other one located in \efi\microsoft\boot\bcd

  8. Is it possible to change the screen resolution of the menu that is displayed? When I boot the USB drive created by WinSetupFromUSB on my laptop that has a 4K (3840 x 2160) screen, the menu is a tiny little thing in the center of the screen. I need to get out a set of high magnification glasses to read the tiny menu on the screen 🙂

      • Thanks, I appreciate the response. I should have clarified that this is for a UEFI based system. Very high resolution, high DPI screens have been a problem for a lot of programs outside of Windows but most have this issue finally resolved. It’s just a bit annoying at times but not totally unexpected 🙂

        • UEFI boot starts with Microsoft’s Windows boot files and whatever that offers as a resolution. Surprised Microsoft haven’t addressed that.

          Is there no BIOS/EFI option that mitigates the issue?

          Edit: I stand corrected, there is option in BCD for display resolution:

          Just make sure you are editing the EFI BCD store.

          Display Settings
          bootuxdisabled [ on | off ]
          Disables boot graphics.

          graphicsmodedisabled [ on | off ]
          Indicates whether graphics mode is disabled and boot applications must use text mode display.

          Defines the graphics resolution, 1024×768, 800×600,1024×600, etc.

          highestmode [ on | off ]
          Enables boot applications to use the highest graphical mode exposed by the firmware.

          novga [ on | off ]
          Disables the use of VGA modes entirely.

          vga [ on | off ]
          Forces the use of the VGA display driver.

      • So, the problem comes down to the fact that an EFI allows the screen to be displayed at ONLY the native screen resolution. So booting something very low resolution like 640 x 480 needs to be intelligent and stretch itself to fit the screen. As I noted, many programs such as disk imaging boot disks that are based upon WinPE or WinRE have figured this out and now function properly.

        There is a workaround that has worked up until now, but won’t work on some of the very latest systems shipping with Windows 11:

        If you enable CSM (the Compatibility Support Module), also often referred to as “legacy mode” in the BIOS, this will the program to display properly by performing a BIOS rather than a UEFI boot.

        However, some of the latest systems shipping with Windows 11 have completely eliminated legacy mode / CSM from the BIOS as an option, so with those systems you are stuck with what you’ve got.

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