1. What can be added to the USB disk with WinSetupFromUSB?
2. Does it support multiple sources of the same type?
3. My internal disk is not shown during first (Text mode) part of Windows XP (2000, 2003) setup
4. There is error 0x0000007B on blue background (BSOD) at start of XP (2000, 2003) Setup
5. Program does not display my USB disk
6. Are customized Windows sources supported?
7. What do the advanced options do?
8. My system won't boot from USB
9. Is (U)EFI supported?
10. How do I add another Windows or Linux source?
11. When adding NT6 (Vista and above setup or PE based utility) ISO occupied space on the USB disk is 150-220 MB more than my source
12. Is the program free and may it be freely redistributed?
13. XP/2003/2000 Setup is very slow when copying files at Text mode phase
14. How to report bugs or problems with the program?
15. How to remove already added sources?
16. How to edit boot menu names?
17. I am unable to add Linux/Other grub4dos ISO because it cannot be de-fragmented
18. Why I cannot boot other sources in UEFI mode, only Windows ones?
19. Is Windows Secure Boot supported?

859 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. Hi all
    i see that no update from about one year
    i want you to add some supports
    Add 32 bit support for UEFI:NTFS boot
    Add standalone UEFI:NTFS boot installation, in advanced mode
    Add Vietnamese translation, courtesy of thanhtai2009
    Disable support for ISOs that hide their GRUB version (looking at you Kaspersky!)
    Fix broken Windows UEFI installation when using GPT/NTFS (#461)
    Fix creation of 32 bit UEFI Windows 10 installation flash drives (#462)
    Other improvements (Notify when no update is available on manual check, add label for UEFI:NTFS partition, etc.)

    • Update will come when I have enough spare time for it.
      The attitude “I want you to…” isn’t welcomed at all, hope it’s just bad translation.

  2. can i use this to reload windows xp on my iMac 27 apple if i have bootcamp loaded already
    my cd rom drive is broken

      • could i have some instructions- no idea of what options to use
        main problem is for the iMac to see the usb drive on the iMac boot menu
        the usb drive format is setup from bootcamo for win7
        trying that now

        • There is a tutorial for XP on tutorials page, there wouldn’t be a specific option for Mac, just hope it works. I can’t guide you on this any further.

  3. plz tell me i want to creat UEFI windows 8.1 with the help of winsetupfromusb but i m unable to do that plz should i do to make uefi supported windows 8.1

    • Can you give more details what exactly you are unable to do?
      There is also a tutorials page, have you looked at it?

  4. Hello! Thanks for the great tool.

    I wonder if you can edit the Windows 7/8 menu. I created a basic menu customization GFX, but the part of Windows, I can not edit. Is there any chance?


      • Thanks for reply

        How I want to create a disc Windows only, there how to run the stick boot directly by BCD? For Windows only, of course?

        • Format the USB disk with RMPrepUSB or BootIce, use NT6 MBR and bootmgr bootrecord. Check the advanced option “do not check for and install grub4dos mbr and files”. Load your Windows 7/8/10 sources. If disk was formatted properly you should get directly to the bootmgr/bcd menu.

    • Just tested ubuntu-15.04-desktop-i386.iso and it loaded just fine.
      Which version are you using and what exactly happens when booting it? A bit more than “won’t boot” will help a lot 😉

  5. This is a great program and once I spent a little time reading the tutorials and FAQs as well as playing around with it I find it very useful and Im perhaps a best at intermediate level where computers are concerned. Thanks for your work and time. Im sure I will have technical questions in time but at the moment its doing what I need it to do. Is it ok to put a link for this program on my website – computer repair service website.

  6. Hello sir,
    my name is satindr and i am a comp technician and ur tool helps me alot in my everyday life.
    So,first thanks for ur efforts and time,i really appreciate.

    This tool fulfills all my needs, but i am facing a problem these days…i was trying to add hiren boot cd + bitdefender rescue cd together using grub4dos.
    1.Hiren boot cd dont show “hbcd menu programs” after booting into hiren’s minixp.
    2.Bitdefender hangs and stop scaning every time.
    (I tried things different ways too , grub4dos is working but with problems)

    i tried both cd’s (after mounting them) one by one using syslinux menu,and everything works fine.
    Now the problem is i can only add one cd at a time using syslinux. and i have couple of more programs which runs flawless on syslinux but not on grub4dos.

    syslinux executes syslin.dat from the root of usb drive ,is it possible if i add one source first say “bitdefender” ,then open usb cut all files ,make new folder say “bit”,put them into that. Now add another source “hiren cd”. And then ,Is it possible if i edit new menu.lst at the root of the drive and add a new entry for syslin.dat which is inside bit folder and run bitdefender too.

    If yes ,then please help me with this new entry, i already tried but my entries are not working may be bcz of wrong parameters.tell me how i can add entry to run syslin.dat inside folder “bit”. (bit is on root of my usb).

    • Just tested latest BitDefender rescue iso and it worked fine using the grub4dos option, scanning for over 10 minutes without hanging. Are you using the same ISO and have you tried on another machine? Are you booting from USB hard disk or USB stick, seen as removable, not fixed disk? This also might lead to different results.

      Hiren’s Boot CD won’t be supported here while it contains warez.

      As for the syslinux menu- you could move syslinux.dat elsewhere and modify grub4dos menu, but that’s not the problem. Firstly, syslinux has hardcoded paths where to look for syslinux.cfg, you’d need to change this first, or keep these locations, amending syslinux.cfg accordingly to include the config for the another source. Secondly, the source you are going to boot also expects its files in certain location, and you will have hard find pointing BitDefender for example to search for its files elsewhere, within another folder, not where expected. In short- forget about this way, that’s way too complicated if doable at all with reasonable effort.

  7. windows 10 preview x64 bit edition UEFI and Legacy mode any when i install digital signature error coming how to fix

    • This happens after windows was installed and booted, or when starting setup from the usb disk?

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