1. What can be added to the USB disk with WinSetupFromUSB?
2. Does it support multiple sources of the same type?
3. My internal disk is not shown during first (Text mode) part of Windows XP (2000, 2003) setup
4. There is error 0x0000007B on blue background (BSOD) at start of XP (2000, 2003) Setup
5. Program does not display my USB disk
6. Are customized Windows sources supported?
7. What do the advanced options do?
8. My system won't boot from USB
9. Is (U)EFI supported?
10. How do I add another Windows or Linux source?
11. When adding NT6 (Vista and above setup or PE based utility) ISO occupied space on the USB disk is 150-220 MB more than my source
12. Is the program free and may it be freely redistributed?
13. XP/2003/2000 Setup is very slow when copying files at Text mode phase
14. How to report bugs or problems with the program?
15. How to remove already added sources?
16. How to edit boot menu names?
17. I am unable to add Linux/Other grub4dos ISO because it cannot be de-fragmented
18. Why I cannot boot other sources in UEFI mode, only Windows ones?
19. Is Windows Secure Boot supported?

859 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. Hi,
    Windows 8.1 iso create configurasyon. But Windows 10 iso ”Multiple boot options were detected in this source! Only default one with the default boot.win file be processed!” warning.

    Please bug fix.

    • Please read the notes next to file you are downloading, also supported sources link. It’s clearly stated that multi source ISOs are NOT supported.

      • It’s VERY bad 🙁 Now I’am forced to use 1.0 beta 7 version, because it’s normally work with multi-source. Why this was removed in later versions?..

        • Older versions do not support multiple Vista7/8/10 sources, only a single one, be it multi-version or not. Newer versions do support multiple such sources, but they have to be with a single boot.wim. The limitation comes from the various ways one can add several boot.wim files and the freedom to use any file name. To properly parse and add multiple such sources, I have to rewrite like 60-70% of the code and test it. Not even sure if it can be programmed, as there will be always someone pulling the next heavily customized ISO out of a torrent tracker and saying it doesn’t work. This means several weeks full day job if I only work on that. Something I have no time for at all, nor willingness to do it, given the fact that one can always go around and use single source, like only 64 bit ISO. Now, given the fact that this program is free, developed as a hobby in the spare time, with support answering any kind of questions within a few hours for many years now, is it really that VERY BAD, in capital letters?

          How much effort on improving it with bug reports or any other help, or even money you spent on it? Let me know, so we can arrange a full refund 😉
          To put it in other words- have you ever thought, what you’ve been given and what you have given back? Do you have even a slight idea about the time it takes to program and test all this? To maintain the web site, to answer any questions all the time? Probably not…

  2. I have created an USB with Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10. The problems I have found,

    1) Windows XP crashes while showing “Installing windows XP professional..before EULA…” every time, but the source CD is working fine.

    2) The Windows 7 and 10 menu has been created successfully under Windows Boot manager and working fine. But I have a small mistake while putting the name (it is as ‘Windows &’ instead of ‘Windows 7’). I want to change the name of that screen. What file I have to edit?

    • Do you happen to be using usb3 ports for the XP setup?

      You can edit Windows bcd menus with the included BootIce or the free VisualBCD- edit \boot\bcd for BIOS boot and \efi\microsoft\boot\bcd for EFI boot.

      • I am using USB2 till now, not check with USB3 port.

        And for the 2nd Answer I am happy to say that my problem has been resolved by using VisualBCD. Thanks a lot for this solution.

        • Usb3 port is more likely to fail, usb3 native support is since win8 as far as I recall. When you are saying it’s crashing, what exactly happens? BSOD? Reboot? Keyboard not found? If BSOD, what’s the error code? 0x7B? What’s the USB controller on the motherboard? What’s the motherboard make and model?
          Can you try with stock, unmodified MSDN source? That fact that this source works from a CD doesn’t help, USB setup is completely different. One can remove stock USB drivers from source and still inatall from a CD and of course USB setup will fail, just an example, not saying that’s the case.
          That’s very rare case and I’d like to gather all details.

  3. I’ve successfully added Windows 7 64 bit to a USB3.0 thumb drive… but when I try to add a second ISO, it seems to hang. It says “Preparing NT6 boot files, please wait…” and it just sits there. Been over an hour now.
    What am I doing wrong.

      • At first it was getting stuck on “Adding element: system root value: \windows” right after flushing file buffers.
        This happened with 100% consistency… Now I come back to the machine, force quit the app with task manager (because Abort and Exit weren’t working). Then restart the app and try again… and it’s working.
        I can’t help but wonder what on my end is causing it.

        Make a formal bug report including system details?

        • The windows bcdedit is used at that point and program waits it to complete. If bcdedit gets stuck for some reason, program gets stuck too. That’s tricky to troubleshoot. Better kill both program and bcdedit if running in task manager and start again.

  4. Hi there,
    Can you please zip last version and make it available for download? Getting SonicWALL gateway warnings when trying to download the exe file, and could not find a way to bypass it. Thanks.

  5. How can easily change the Windows 10 iso ? For example: I have a pendrive made with Winsetup, and I have windows 10 in it, a new version of windows 10 was released, is ther an easy way to change the iso in it? Otherwise i’ll have to delete it and do the whole process again.

    • Thanks for the logs.

      Silly typo in the last minute change, now corrected and new version uploaded.
      Can you please re-download it and try again?

    • 2016/08/10 18:49:02- ‘7z.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
      operable program or batch file.

      You might have corrupted download or something might have removed 7z.exe from \tools\ directory. Re-download the program and try again.

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