1. What can be added to the USB disk with WinSetupFromUSB?
2. Does it support multiple sources of the same type?
3. My internal disk is not shown during first (Text mode) part of Windows XP (2000, 2003) setup
4. There is error 0x0000007B on blue background (BSOD) at start of XP (2000, 2003) Setup
5. Program does not display my USB disk
6. Are customized Windows sources supported?
7. What do the advanced options do?
8. My system won't boot from USB
9. Is (U)EFI supported?
10. How do I add another Windows or Linux source?
11. When adding NT6 (Vista and above setup or PE based utility) ISO occupied space on the USB disk is 150-220 MB more than my source
12. Is the program free and may it be freely redistributed?
13. XP/2003/2000 Setup is very slow when copying files at Text mode phase
14. How to report bugs or problems with the program?
15. How to remove already added sources?
16. How to edit boot menu names?
17. I am unable to add Linux/Other grub4dos ISO because it cannot be de-fragmented
18. Why I cannot boot other sources in UEFI mode, only Windows ones?
19. Is Windows Secure Boot supported?

859 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. I have created a bootable USB with Windows7, Windows 8, Windows10, and Live Windows7
    By editing menu.lst, i am able to edit the main menu
    but in the next screen, we have the sub menu showing different Operating Systems.
    Kindly help me in arranging the order in the sub menu and editing the text in the sub menu
    Thank you

  2. Hey guys, i’ve ran into one problem.

    Once Windows is installed in legacy the USB goes back automaticly to the UEFI boot menu. I would
    like to add a option to the UEFI menu to boot to the HDD but I can’t really find where to edit the menu. I’ve searched most files and there doesn’t seem to be an option like this.

    Thanks in advance.

    • It’s BIOS/UEFI firmware responsible for booting in one or another mode and from one or another disk.
      Can’t really understand how you installed in legacy mode, but after reboot it starts in UEFI mode.
      Without all the details what exactly you did, is impossible to advise further.
      Is the USB disk still connected?
      Does it boot from the USB disk after restart, rather than the internal disk?
      Need to mess with menus on which disk, the internal or the USB one?

      Try to be as detailed as possible.

  3. I’m using your application and like it too much.
    My question is : if I add many boot-able iso files and it works well, can I install any OS (Ubuntu or Windows) to be next to current boot-able iso files .
    if yes How please (guide me).

    • What do you mean by “to be next to current boot-able iso files”?

      You can add as many supported sources as you wish, as long as you have free disk space on the USB drive…

  4. I want to write Linux ISO or others Grub4Dos compatibles larger than FAT32 filesystem allowed and it can’t split it and write like in Windows based iSOs menu. Is it possible to add the split-divide option for any Large iso-files in further version? Or u could provide me with another solution in this program app

  5. Hi!

    Putting Windows 10 and Gandalf’s Windows 10 PE on a USB makes them show up in the boot menu, but Ubuntu 18.04 doesn’t. Ubuntu was added with the “Linux ISO/Other Grub4dos compatible ISO” option, and it does show up in the “menu.lst” file and the “ISO” folder on the USB.

    Is the latest version of Ubuntu not fully supported, or is there something else that needs to be done?

    • My best guess is that you are booting in UEFI mode. Only Windows sources are supported in UEFI mode. For other sources you need to use compatible/BIOS mode.

      Please read FAQ #9 above.

      • Thank you for the reply. It turns out that I was mistaken, because when I pressed Esc to close the boot manager, I could press F1 and F2 for different options, where F1 allowed for launching the Ubuntu setup with GRUB4DOS. Some error messages were displayed, but it actually worked all the way through to starting the live version of Ubuntu.

  6. i’m having problems with secure boot enabled bios, all my laptops and desktops are OEM and must have secure boot enable.
    i’ve created a multi windows installation SB and it works on non OEM pc’s, but when runing on OEM the BIOs blocks me becouse on the secure boot.
    is there a way to work this without disabling secure boot?

  7. when i try to burn windows 10 iso using winsetup from usb a box say this doesn’t seem to be a valid source or either or all of / sources/boot.wim, /bootmgr are missing or sourve not supported
    how i fix it ?? please help

      • I have the same problem. Yes 7-Zip opens ISO, can even mount it via explorer.
        Tried with creating ISO myself, and downloading ISO Windows 10 via media creation tool)

  8. When I boot from the Original DVD, there is no problem installing Windows 10. When converting DVD to ISO (or use the Win10 Media Creation Tool to download ISO) and using this program to add the ISO to my USB stick, it will boot the ISO, but during setup of Windows there is an error that he cannot find a drive to install Windows. Same thing happens when I start from a Windows 7 ISO. How can this be fixed?

    • Looks like something is preventing bcdedit from updating the bcd store.
      Double check if Bitdefender is indeed stopped, check if Wundows defender is running, or any similar program. Does One Drive monitor Winsetup directory or drive D ?

      • Yes, Bitdefender was definitely disabled. You can see in the procmon screenshot that bcdedit and winsetupfromusb are the only processes that are accessing that folder. (filtered for D:\boot). (The BitDefender windows you see in the taskbar are the settings screen and the warning screen that ‘your system is at risk’ etc.)

        OneDrive only monitors a subfolder of current user.

        However, remounted drive as J: and moved .iso file off of OneDrive folder (in case it was interfering with read) to unmonitored Downloads folder. Same error though: https://www.datafilehost.com/d/060a3f09

        • Don’t think I can help further on this. Apparently bcdedit is failing to update BCD store on D and something is interfering with the process.

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